COMPANY INVESTIGATIONS | This specific sector represents the core business of Arcadia Company, as a matter of fact in this sector we reach the highest level of specialization. Continuous training courses and investments in technology commit that our company can be your trusted investigative partner.
PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS | Sector where trust between client and detective company reaches its maximum expression, given the private sphere in which it operates. The delicacy and confidentiality of Arcadia Company are synonymous with a guarantee for this type of investigative service.
CYBER INVESTIGATIONS A new and evolving sector where Arcadia Company is present offering advice and targeted services with the help of certified personnel and ad hoc equipment.
Investigation Services
- Investigative shoplifting prevention services
- Preventive investigations on Italian and foreign subjects and counterparts
- Financial scanning (including offshore)
- Unfair internal and external competition
- Counterintelligence
- Anti-sabotage
- Defence of trademarks and patents
- Anti-counterfeiting
- Professional infidelity
- Absenteeism
- Robberies
- Securing of company telematic networks
- Pre-marriage examinations
- Marital infidelity
- Divorces, inheritance, property divisions
- Control minors
- Minor preventive drug
- Anti-harassment
- Anti-crime
- Finding lost people
- Litigation, civil and criminal, over violations of the Copyright Law referring to software (Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk and Dassault Systèmes), musical works and television content, including those distributed in streaming and works of genius in general.
- Unfair competition between enterprises, including by misappropriation of trade secrets as a result of employee transfers.
- Protection of Industrial and Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets
- Subtraction of databases and trade secrets.
- Certification of software and digital content of various kinds (Web, Email, Social Network, audio/video recordings).
- Mobile Forensic: Acquisition and analysis of data contained in mobile or wearable devices.
- Acquisition and preparation of digital evidence for use at trial, including by partial or total acquisition of data contained in data centers, including remote data centers, or in corporate electronic devices.
- Rebuttal of acquired or produced digital evidence contra legem.
- Computer frauds.
- Software Litigation Consulting.
- Penetration testing, which is useful for highlighting system weaknesses by providing the most information about the vulnerabilities that allowed unauthorized access, providing a clear estimate of the defense capabilities and the level of penetration achieved in the areas: of internal system vulnerabilities, external system vulnerabilities, and physical security.